ScaleAndTile and UPDF - Tripod Site

Welcome to the ScaleAndTile and UPDF - Tripod Site!

On this site, you will find all of the most recent versions of ScaleAndTile, UPDF, and iText-toolbox that are compatible with iText-2.1.7. Please download the programs, saving them into the working folder you wish to use for the programs. In order to run any of the programs, you must first execute the Get_iText program, which will download the itext-2.1.7.jar file from the MVN Repository, renaming it to iText-2.1.7.jar. You need only execute Get_iText once, during initial setup. Other than making the downloaded Jar files read-enabled and executable, no other setup of the programs is required. Of course, the working folder must be read and write enabled.

Both ScaleAndTile4d and iText-toolbox have cryptographic capabilities that require the use of the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs for Java, available via the links below. Use of the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs is governed by the MIT License. Download these, saving them into the same working folder that you are using for ScaleAndTile and the other programs, and finally, make them read-enabled and executable.

Questions? Comments? Please contact the Author at . Thank you for your support.

Revision History: / 10Jun2016 - Original issue / 12Aug2016 - Added Windows batch file /

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Copyright 2016 - William Alexander Segraves - All Rights Reserved